Art, Hoodies & Shows
Art, Hoodies & Upcoming Shows in Colorodo and Missoula

Raskol Ink is in full swing of the Spring.
Last weekend I was in Bozeman and a few weeks before that Seattle! Now 3 upcoming shows in June, two of which will be in Denver CO which means a lot of hoodies need to be created!
Click on the links below to find out more about the shows and if you are in town I would be stoked if you stopped by to talk hoodies and art.
Even in the midst of the "busyness" I am trying to switch my mind-frame from being all crazy and out of control feeling to one of, "this is my work and I love what I do, it is incredible to be able to focus on art and share it" It really is incredible and yet so easy to get lost in the "should's" and projection of what My life "should" be/feel manifest as when, if I bring myself into the present and focus my attention on what is here.. what I'm doing is what I need to be doing.
Getting in this mind-frame is working some of the time, about a 75% success rate really.
Anyhoo, I hope you are able to enjoy the present moments with whatever it is that your focus is on.
Raskol Ink is on the Road - Upcoming Art Shows!
Park Hill Arts Festival
Park Hill Masonic Lodge Grounds
Denver CO,
June 3rd 10am - 5pm
June 4th 10am - 4pm
Highlands Arts Festival
Highlands Masonic Lodge Grounds
Denver CO,
June 10th & 11th
Enter to win a $1000 shopping spree
handMADE MT Summer Show
Caras Park
Missoula MT,
June 18th - 10am-4pm
In the Studio
Art Show Hoodie Prep
Morning Papers & Raskol Drink
ASYM Zips, Back in Stock!
This is huge, the Butter ASYM zip that sold out in one quick day of a Bozeman Art show and the favorite Grey ASYM Covered in Bees has returned. I expect these to be the first to go when in Colorodo in the next couple weeks so if you fancy them Order today!
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